Sunday 14 January 2007

BNP Ballerina

The BNP have 3,000 members - most of whom conform to the traditional knuckle dragging stereotype; with an inner core of Little Englanders and power fetishists. They polled about 0.7% of the vote in the last election. Making them, on any measure, irrelevant.

They would slip quietly into obscurity if it were not for the tireless efforts of organisations like the Socialist Workers Party, Unite Against Fascism, and of course New Labour. The BNP owes them a great debt of gratitude.

New Labour love the BNP because they can use them to scare the faithful into line "if you think we're illiberal just look at these guys!". SWP and UAF just need to have a reason to exist.

The latest publicity drive is the ludicrous campaign against 'BNP Ballerina' Simone Clarke. Now I don't doubt Simone Clarke is a thoroughly unpleasant woman - an airhead, with a mean streak. But the notion of calling for her sacking is utter nonsense.

Clarke has done nothing illegal, she has merely joined a political party, and expressed a point of view. Having a toxic personality is not a crime. Denying someone employment because of their beliefs is deeply illiberal, it's the sort of thing you'd expect in, er, Nazi Germany.....

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