Wednesday 24 January 2007

Only in the dystopian, through the looking glass world of King Tony could Ruth Kelly ever be Minister for Equality. Here she is, Blair's Bigot, doing the Lords work for the fundamentalists opposing the right of gay couples to adopt. The warmth and humanity just shines out of her.

It's great to see the faithful in their true colours. The Catholic's position is, and I'm paraphrasing slightly "we'd rather throw children out on the streets than see them housed with loving families who might not share our mean-spirited little worldview". The Anglicans have jumped in, with Rowan Williams giving his full support; warning that, and again I'm paraphrasing slightly "the Government should not create conditions where bigots feel their prejudices have been ignored or sacrificed".

A delicious exposure of the farce of 'pick and mix' Christianity. If your 'good' book hates gays; if the head of your church hates gays; where does that leave you? It's like joining the BNP and saying you're not a racist.

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